The most effective against nail fungus on the feet which drop

The change in shape and color of the nail, delamination, peeling, dryness, and flaking – felt and mushrooms. Falling, prints, quickly advanced, and you feel good about yourself, multiplying the feed plate and under the nail, keratin, which consists of. The mushroom mycelium grows slowly, and no quotation at the end. The only way to fix the situation then external application with a comprehensive drug treatment and sometimes cannot use already a tablet with plasma (doc-finds mikolog nails, mold).

How to select medicine as an effective foot fungus

Managed and mushrooms come so far but he didn't "win" a maximum of 2/3 of the nail edge just affecting the surface, and tried to kill him strike ahead course, when antifungal drops.

How to select medicine as an effective foot fungus?

Before you begin nail fungus treatment and drops to buy, you must understand what interference faced. The most frequent intruders – one of the three representatives of fungi class:

  • dermatophytes them about as effective as drugs, based on azol and allylamine;
  • antimicotico clotrimazole Candida Polye will interact with the drug after the number of the corresponding group;
  • mold is just afraid of a powerful enemy antimicotico echinocandin class.

Recognize mushroom exterior features:

  • Dermatophytes begins, "food" with quotes the free edge, the hole slowly advancing. Plate-yellow, rough, wavy, begins hyperkeratosis – thickness an increase in quotes.
  • Candida behave differently. First strike at the base of the toenail starts the breakdown of hotels that hole, then you're already to the mouth of mushroom cultivation. Plate can be yellow and not white, but it won't grow – destroys fungal cells, responsible for Nail Growth.
  • Mushrooms
  • Mold the plate to darken, dark spots and lines off. At the same time, he rarely is only limited quotation. Quickly demolition, mold does not damage the soft tissues of revenues.

So, the mushrooms should conduct themselves in the scenario, medical textbooks, but in practice it's not his appearance distinguish dermatophytes Candida just the same, always power, even an experienced dermatologist. It could be postponed for years the development of the latent phase at the beginning of a fungal infection, it is very difficult to classify mushrooms.

Why to solve this, in which the active substance use treatment, and therefore drops to buy which only a doctor can be and only once you will receive, as a result, laboratory. Don't be surprised if a dermatologist do so at the front desk, scraping, quotes. The spores grow and then obtained in the laboratory will be apparent, in which the fungus settled leg.

Drip nail fungus

  1. Terbinafine hydrochloride fungal nails with drops of coping with all kinds. So, neither settled nor a foot fungal yeast mold or dermatophytes – terbinafine hydrochloride will overcome sooner or later (average treatment duration 6 months must dribble twice a day).
  2. Drops the active ingredient amorolfine. The effects of the synthesis of sterols, which occurs in cells, yeast. This process of slowly amorolfine intervention changes the structure and destroys it. The most effective coping with the representatives of the species Candida.
  3. A substance that is derived from drops consisting of allylamine – naftif. Especially the harmful effects of cell dermatophytes, this fungus 8 times in 10 slots but within quotes.
Nail Care

Fungal ointment

Innovative tool for the fight with the mushrooms, the only completely natural ingredients eliminates the side effects in the content. There is a feature, and pharmaceutical active ingredients accumulate in the body, improves immunity and reduces the risk of re-infection. This tool provides a safe way get rid of the fungus completely in a short period of time.

Some ointments, including most fungal acid poisoning can cause damage healthy tissue and synthesized in combination with their structure, and pain.

Drop foot nail fungus a remedy against such acts

Depending on the type of drug active ingredients, drops of the nail fungus on foot against motion in two directions:

  1. No cell structure, fungal – fungal effect.
  2. The braking process of cell division, i.e., to multiply them – fungustatik effect.

Working adults against the effects of pharmaceutical mushrooms fungal forms, fungal spores, but they are weak. However, once young don't have fungistatic effect with a drop form. Obviously to destroy mushroom mycelium, a Root took the nail plate, the only drug at a time will be mushrooms and fungistatic effect. Fortunately most modern of the drops movement in both directions. But to understand the pharmacological properties, and drug assignment is to be performed the doctor.

Drop it there to have a more powerful side – they just no fungal organisms, however, prevent the spread of pathogenic processes in the neighboring tissue. So once you suspect nail fungus, take immediate action and start treatment drops. Otherwise, the micelle-type leather side rollers with one foot in Europe, and then only able to stop him long-term systemic treatment pills and ointment.

Among other things, antifungal drops:

  • the movie is inflammatory process;
  • with the antimicrobial;
  • to promote fast recovery of the affected tissue.

How to properly apply a drop of nail fungus?

The only difficulty regarding use drops, so it is often difficult for this patient to drop to its area a direct hit. The thing is, in most cases, using external tools and there hugging under the nail plate fungal – ointments, creams, varnishes, drip – it's not easy. Therefore, the current article does this happen a target if the treatment is really effective, the patient must follow certain rules.

Drip nail fungus foot
  1. Steam foot bath foot as it should be. Will be a great use antiseptic solution – iodine, potassium permanganate, soda, soap. Trial boiling herbs and liqueurs. Effective fungal spurge, calendula, chamomile as well as essential oils and sea salt.
  2. You started your quotes flaky the nail bed, need to trim the free edge of a nail file and sanded the surface of the plate.
  3. The shot is a large part of the fungus, quotes, logical and completely remove it. This is used for a special solution that gradually softens the plate and helps a few, painless to remove.

Indications and contraindications

Only recommended drops onychomycosis treatment early-stage disease. For him the characteristic symptoms:

  • yellowing of the nail at the bottom or an edge;
  • thickening, nail, it is becoming difficult for him, and crop-Ness diminish;
  • the surface loses brightness and healthy pink color;
  • undulatus would nail him, and it appears on, with longitudinal stripes;
  • the edge of the plate leaves the nail bed is affected with the care and.

The clinical picture of the disease to not change going to be the latent phase for a few years and all this time – I have experimented to detect abnormalities that will not give you a healthy immune system. But even this slight decrease, the immune able to give a new push for the disease, and then the nail starts to breakdown very quickly.

Once the mushroom mycelium hand 2/3 square nails, onychomycosis treatment drops you can't use anyway. An aggressive parasite to get rid of it completely will be after a long course, a comprehensive treatment. Most antifungal pills is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation but it should not be forgotten, as well as treatment of children under 12 years. Never appoint them and the endocrine system chronic kidney diseases.

Against ointments, creams and drops, there are also limitations, but less stringent, because the maximum 6 External antimycotic drugs enter the bloodstream when applying the% active ingredient.

Prevention, foot nail fungus

According to statistics, 35% sick being infected with a fungus, he's out of the House. Risk – Family, Living, old people. They are the most sensitive mycosis due to natural age-related changes occurring in their body. Immune, blood disease, and atrophic nail infections provoke wheezing flash.

Quotes drip

To protect other family members, for them to not walk barefoot in the house, I wear someone else's slippers. Patients foot and bath towels to be a separate, stand them better, through their held stereotype mat. Meanwhile, bring mushroom house and pet – owners have a dog and sick as often as athletes do.

As such, it is most likely infection of other places – public baths, swimming pools, water parks, and gyms. The fungus in moist environments to protect themselves and the crowd it's almost impossible. The best solution, be proactive and start using an antifungal previously infected with the strike method.

For example, the nails on the hands and feet on a regular basis to meet a special antifungal lacquer. He quickly dries, contraindications and side effects. It can be easily implemented on an ordinary nail Polish for nail.

And remember: the fungus clings to the people rarely have a strong immunity. Careful to live a healthy life, to eat, enough time of sleep and lack of vitamins in meat – then you will have a chance to mushrooms!